
The korhonen language is a very complex language, few non-korhonens speak it. Korhonen communicate between each other telepathicaly, verbal communication is rare. Even with other races the Korhonen communicate telepathicaly.

Below is a table that shows the different consonants and vowels in the Korhonen language and the pronounciation of it in the earth english language.

Consonants Pronounciation Vowels Pronounciation
aa As in "aadchen" a As in "psalm"
ah As in "Bah" e As in "sensor"
ao Pronounced "oh" i As in "miss"
aq Pronounced "ack" o As in "mosaic"
bo As in "Rainbow" u As in "prune"
ch As in "chart"
ck As in "Back"
do As in "do"
du Pronounced "Doo"
el Pronounced "elle"
en Pronounced "on"
ep As in "republic"
gh As in "Brough"
gr Pronounced "gruh"
ho Pronounced "hoe"
ht As in "chart"
in Pronounced "een"
iq Pronounced "ick"
ku Pronounced "coo"
ko Pronounced "coe"
lo Pronounced "loe"
mo Pronounced "Moe"
ne As in "knee"
ng Pronounced "ung"
no Pronounced "Noe"
oh As in "oh"
on As in "on"
oo Pronounced "ooooh"
oq Pronounced "ock"
pi As in "pi"
po Pronounced "poh"
ro Pronounced "roh"
so Pronounced "soh"
ss As in "hiss"
ti Pronounced "tihe"
un Pronounced "oon"
uq Pronounced "uck"
' Pronounced "eh"


The Korhonen speak in a soft whispery tone. When conversing try to adopt this tone, and NEVER speak with a high tone as it can easily be misinterpreted.


Here are just a few Korhonen phrases that might come useful if contact is made with a Korhonen. Beware of the word for greetings as one slight mispronounciation can have nasty sideeffects. Like them opening fire.

Hello ku'mo coo-eh-moe
Help pi'un pi-eh-oon
Greetings ch'du cha-eh-do
Surrender or die ch'du cha-eh-doo
Hurry hogh hoe-gruh
We will never surrender tino'du tihe-noe-eh-doo
Yes uq'ss uck-hiss
No iq'ss ick-hiss

Designers of this encyclopedia
Chris Page & Eddie Collins

dasoft@zetnet.co.uk collins-e@dnet.co.uk